Kopachiv, Kyiv Region
9.00 - 18:00

Fitness Yoga on Horseback

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yoga on horse

Are you already familiar with yoga or horseback riding? Or perhaps both are new to you? In any case, you might be interested in a completely new type of physical activity, which is currently gaining popularity in the world. Yoga on Horseback, or Horse Yoga, combines static asanas and dynamic vinyasas along with proper rhythmic breathing. The only difference is that exercises are performed not on your yoga mat, but on a horseback.

The benefit of yoga on a horseback is primarily in the energy influence of this animal on humans. In this sense, such a complex is close to hippotherapy: the warmth and positive energy vibrations emanating from a horse's body give us the opportunity to relax and efficiently work out our muscles and ligaments, develop flexibility and balance.

There are several sequences of varying complexity for different levels of proficiency. For beginners, a yoga sequence with an emphasis on relaxation, light muscle stretching and rhythmic breathing will be the most suitable. A fitness yoga sequence involving exercises for developing strength in dynamics and statics is another option. An advanced-level session includes complex asanas for the development of balance and strength. If you do not intend to learn the basics of riding but are interested in communicating with horses along with doing some physical activity – give fitness yoga on a horseback a try. This activity will allow you to build major muscle groups, improve your balance, and enjoy the interaction with these animals at the same time.

Yoga on a horseback is somewhat more complicated. That is why the asanas are selected so that you can maintain balance and not be in danger of falling. The main rule is smoothness and caution in movements. Of course, an important guarantee of a successful and enjoyable practice of Horse Yoga is a calm and patient horse. This is a real companion who can remain motionless during the class. An experienced instructor makes classes safe and effective, as well as helps to establish interaction with a horse.

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